Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Recent scarves

I've been working on 4 different scarves for friends this fall season. They were Christmas gifts and they were very well received, which made me super happy. I chose my friends' favorite colors, then I chose a pattern to match their personality. I like to challenge myself by trying new patterns and stitches with each new project. In fact, I don't think I've ever duplicated a stitch pattern, only because there are so many new ones out there to try! So here are the final projects:

Ok, so I take terrible pictures, and the lighting is all wrong, but you can see the project well enough. I've got to learn how to snap awesome photos of these scarves, because they really are beautiful. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Gorgeous pearls from Pearl Paradise

The only pearls I own are the ones my grandma gave me for my wedding. They are gorgeous and really sentimental. Every woman needs pearls, no doubt about that.

My pearls are a little fancy though, and I don't find that I can dress them down much. I think the only way to wear pearls with nice clothes (without looking like you're going to a wedding) is the multicolored pearls.

Well, I just so happened to find an awesome giveaway at www.sweeps4bloggers.com! See what a little patience can do? Amazing. So here it is if you want to check it out:
It ends the 31st, so hurry!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Who doesn't love gumball machines? I have never met anyone who didn't love getting candy out of the machines at a mall or grocery store. Even if the candy or the toy was so-so, it was incredibly fun. A treat, really. Pink Dandy Chatter is having a giveaway for one of these. Check it out:


I would love to win. I would totally use it in my own house (although--hello cavities!), but I would certainly use it in my classroom for positive behavior, and I know it would be a hit as a gift for my nieces and nephews. Oooh, the possibilities!

Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway! Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Skin rejuvination

Let's face it. It's the end of summer, and all of us have been inconsistent with protecting our skin from the summer rays. It's tough--we want that glow, that beautiful tan. BUT we also want healthy, young-looking skin in the days ahead. I'm sure in a decade or two, I'm really going to regret some skin habits. In the beginning of the summer, I'm really good about everything, and like most things, it all falls apart a couple of months in.

Good thing WAHM is giving away two awesome Kara Vita products. Find it here!

Monday, August 22, 2011


Thanks, Mail Carrier is giving away so many great things for Back to School!!
Check out how you can win $25 to the Ultimate Green Store!


Clothes giveaway!

My sister-in-law is starting homeschooling in just a few weeks for the very first time! I'm so thrilled for her--this risk she's taking and the commitment she has for her kids' education. She'll be great because she IS a GREAT teacher!

I would love to win this giveaway for my nieces and nephew. Can we say Back to School Outfits?

Check it out here:

Good luck!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I'm a high school teacher therefore I'm tense.

All the time. It's terrible. Most days I know how to handle the stress of it all, the tension in my back and shoulders and jaw. But some days, especially around chapter tests, final exams, report time, parents' day, and of course back to school week... it's tough to find ways to relax.

There's a giveaway going on for an awesome acupressure mat. I WANT THIS. No. I NEED THIS.
Check it out!

Fingers crossed!

I'm an aunt!

Just this morning, my nephew was born! A total surprise because he was at 37 weeks! Mom and Dad don't even have a name for him yet--they were still narrowing down their list. Everything went smoothly and everyone is healthy and happy. I'm so thrilled for them, but we live so far away, so it won't be until my next long weekend that we can get out there to meet him. By then, he will be named and the family will be rested and hopefully in some sort of routine... Aaahhh! Can't wait!!

Now I've got to figure out what I should knit for him.

Meanwhile, I see that Natural Baby Goods is having a giveaway for Umi shoes! Check it out here:

Good luck!

Yarn giveaway!

The Twisted Purl has BEAUTIFUL yarns! 
Look at the awesome prize they are giving away!

Go check it out at: http://www.thetwistedpurl.com/?p=424
Good luck!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I'm entering a giveaway for something completely unrelated to knitting: a Seagate GoFlex Slim Hard Drive!

Since I'm a teacher and my hubby is a grad student, there's no better way to save all of our important documents on this hard drive! Hope I win!


I'm starting this blog to document all of my knitting progress, inspiration and projects!

I learned how to knit back in high school--what seems like ages ago--but I recently picked it back up. It was during one really gloomy winter in upstate NY back in 2008. The only thing that could lift my spirits was to start a new hobby. All we could do was stay inside, all bundled up in blankets, thick socks and slippers, drinking hot beverages to keep warm. Knitting seemed like a perfect addition to my already holed up state of being...

Naturally, I started with a scarf for my wonderful husband. It turned into a tube. It didn't take me long to figure out how to avoid that in the future. Other scarfs were knitted & purled up in no time. Then, I slowly added a few patterns here and there, but made many mistakes. Family members forgave me.

Unfortunately, I can't find any of the pictures of my earliest projects. There were several scarves, three baby blankets, and a set of placemats. Notice how all I could do was knit flat things.

Then came a huge risk: trying my hand at shapes!
My first sweater:

 My first headband (with the leftover sweater yarn):
 My first hat (for my hubby):
Nests for my sister-in-law's baby shower.
I usually don't knit during the summer so that I don't get tired of the hobby. Plus, the summer is for other hobbies like camping, reading, traveling, and going to the beach! Knitting in the fall and winter gives me something to look forward to. I'm wondering what I'll be inspired to knit next...